Thursday, March 5, 2015

Yet will we Serve Him

     This journey has been long and arduous for our entire family. When we think that we can begin to move forward we seem to take two steps back. Tzadok had the tumor drained on Wed. but the doctors were only able to get out about 1CC of fluid, which was not the news we were needing. So, we have to monitor Tzadok for two weeks and if he starts complaining of headaches again we will have to return to St. Jude for another MRI, and if the tumor has shown any growth Tzadok will have to go through another surgery. The doctors are afraid that there is some problem with the catheter or that there may be multiple cysts in the same location, which is hindering them from draining the cyst. Or, or, or...there are just so many or's. After this, he could still have to undergo another surgery to remove a partial amount of the tumor because there is no guarantee another catheter will have any effect what-so-ever. Please pray that Tzadok is spared from all this unneeded stress on his body; please pray for protection; and please pray that this tumor does not grow anymore because our Father is more than capable. These prayers are for miraculous intervention. The Father is the only one who can intervene now, and we need your voices in a chorus with ours. During each stage of this journey, we have clung to the hope that we were one step closer to picking up the pieces and moving on with our lives. However, it seems our life will reside in flux for the next year at least. Regardless of the next two weeks, Tzadok will have to go back to St. Jude for another MRI in a month with the same prospect list that I described above, so more anxiety and stress loom over our household. About the only thing we know for sure is that we will serve Adonai for now and forever. As we grow more weary with each passing day, that thought is the only hope we have left to cling to. Rachel and I echoed the words of King David at our dinner table tonight "though He slay me, yet do I serve Him." No matter where this all leads and ends, He is our only hope, and that is very comforting, indeed.

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